My admirer Gary is my monthly contest winner -

2023 - December
2024 - June

Gary is a true friend, admirer, and worshiper. He's into love and Lust and treats me with respect. I like it when you guys see something more in me than just a panty seller to fulfill your needs to cum hard. I like those who are taking care of me and it's not only about the money I receive from you. I see it's something more than just money. Gary wants to take care of his sexy Goddess and he's investing in his future pleasure dealing with me, being treated the way he likes to be treated. It's very rare these days and I value and appreciate it a lot!

Most of you, guys, want to feel this way to find a personal good girl to feel I am your online girlfriend. You want to take care of someone and be rewarded in return with a good, naughty mood. Most guys are shy to start this connection as they think you can't afford me, but instead, you, males, waste on things that don't bring real true pleasure. I like to deal with good guys who understand it and Gary is one of them. Guys, be like Gary!

(June 2024)

Month Name Amount, $ USD Evidence

June 4, 2024 Kenny, my back is sore after fitness, lick it to heal me! $25.00 click to see
June 7, 2024 Kenny, keep licking my back and ass... hahaha $25.00 click to see
June 7, 2024 Richie is my financial chiropractor with huge loving hands ;) $100.00 click to see
June 11, 2024 Kenny, my back is recovering... Slowly but steady! $25.00 click to see
June 13, 2024 My whore Jessica wants to show me her sexy ear rings! $50.00 click to see
June 14, 2024 Kenny bought a guitar. Hug it as if you'd hug my figure. $25.00 click to see
June 14, 2024 Richie is going to visit the Pink Playhouse tomorrow ;) $50.00 click to see
June 17, 2024 Gary warms himself up before giving the birthday gifts. $50.00 click to see
June 18, 2024 Kenny heals my back with collages and good mood. $25.00 click to see
June 19, 2024 Gary's Birthday Gifts #1 $100.00 click to see
June 19, 2024 My slut Jessica's Birthday Gift! $100.00 click to see
June 20, 2024 Gary's Birthday Gifts #2 $100.00 click to see
June 20, 2024 Richie's warming up before tomorrow's birthday gift! $100.00 click to see
June 20, 2024 A birthday gift from Mohammed who's been my admirer for so many years $25.00 click to see
June 21, 2024 A birthday gift from Robby-Bobby who's waiting for my panties $25.00 click to see
June 21, 2024 Richie's Birthday Gift and his 12-inch bottle of wine. LOL $100.00 ($350.00 total) click to see
June 21, 2024 Gary's Birthday Gifts #3 with Love & Lust $100.00 click to see
June 21, 2024 A birthday gift from John for growing his Kelbasa and Banana for years ;) $75.00 click to see
June 21, 2024 Kenny's Birthday Gift with a guitar and singing me a birthday song. $50.00 click to see
June 21, 2024 A birthday gift from Garry, my admirer for so many years $100.00 click to see
June 21, 2024 A birthday gift from Antonio, my admirer for so many years $50.00 click to see
June 24, 2024 Thanks for flowers, Gary! Love & Lust $75.00 click to see
June 25, 2024 Kenny wants to suck my toes, pay for pedicure! $25.00 click to see
June 27, 2024 My slut Jessica wants to buy a sexy hat to make her pussy squirt $50.00 ($200.00 total) click to see
June 28, 2024 Gary, Love & Lust and Happy Canada Day! $75.00 ($500.00 total) click to see
June 28, 2024 Stop eating chips, Kenny and hug a guitar! ;) $25.00 ($225.00 total) click to see

December 2023

Dec 1, 2023 Happy December, my piggy-slave Kenny ;-) $25.00 click to see
Dec 5, 2023 Kenny, here is a new middle finger pic as you like it ;) $25.00 click to see
Dec 6, 2023 My sexy slut Jessica is a holiday slut. $50.00 click to see
Dec 6, 2023 Frederick is back to me to order a new pair of my worn panties! $55.00 click to see
Dec 7, 2023 Shane wants to reward her sexy Goddess with some cash! $50.00 click to see
Dec 8, 2023 Kenny, have plenty rest and get recovered faster! $25.00 click to see
Dec 9, 2023 Arjay's run #1 to buy & send me a gift card. $50.00 Gift Card
Dec 12, 2023 I mailed my panties and pantyhose to Richie and was rewarded back! $50.00 click to see
Dec 12, 2023 It's great to know you're back to normal, my fat piggy Kenny! $25.00 click to see
Dec 12, 2023 Robby-Bobby received my panties and wants a new panty. $50.00 click to see
Dec 12, 2023 Arjay's run #2 to buy & send me a gift card. $50.00 Gift Card
Dec 13, 2023 My slut Jessica, WOW, you look so HOT in Christmas outfit!!! $50.00 click to see
Dec 15, 2023 Kenny, I want to make you feel better. Enjoy a video! $25.00 click to see
Dec 15, 2023 Arjay... worship my sleepy feet and go for run #3. I want my $50. $50.00 Gift Card
Dec 16, 2023 William wants a pair of white socks to be hypnotized with. $45.00 click to see
Dec 19, 2023 Kenny is getting closer and closer to the goal... $25.00 click to see
Dec 19, 2023 Arjay, here is my mean kiss & middle finger as part of your run #4. $50.00 ($200.00 total) Gift Card
Dec 20, 2023 Merry Christmas to you as well, my in-Christmas outfit slut Jessica! $100.00 click to see
Dec 22, 2023 WOW! Thank you Richie & Merry Christmas to you too!!! $100.00 click to see
Dec 22, 2023 WOW, Kenny... You will finalize your goal next week! $25.00 click to see
Dec 24, 2023 Merry (before) Christmas from Gary!!! $100.00 click to see
Dec 25, 2023 Merry (after) Christmas from Gary!!! $100.00 click to see
Dec 25, 2023 Merry Christmas Robby-Bobby #2! $25.00 ($75.00 total) click to see
Dec 25, 2023 Merry Christmas, Kenny! $25.00 click to see
Dec 29, 2023 My slut Jessica bought me a drink for New Year's Eve! $50.00 ($250.00 total) click to see
Dec 29, 2023 My victory in Kenny's lose weight process during a year.
Before/After: 246 lbs / 200 lbs.
$25.00 ($225.00 total) click to see
Dec 30, 2023 Sherman ordered my worn panties to taste my sweet scent. $55.00 click to see
Dec 31, 2023 Gary's check & mate to win the contest!!! $100.00 ($300.00 total) click to see

If you are worried about being mentioned in this chart, I will not publish your details here.

... and other personalized photos...

(every slave gets his own, personalized attention to trigger your weaknesses)

  Please let me serve you my Goddess. I am ready to serve!

Who is next?

My slaves and their tributes (chart).

It contains a chart of my slaves ranked in order of tribute. All my slaves have to work hard for me, and send me regular tributes. It is an honor to appear at the top of my chart and become a slave of the month for everyone to see your weakness serving me. As a reward, you'll get listed on the main page of my site and also at the PERSONAL page (unless you choose to remain anonymous).

How to start your participation?

Step #1 - Click the green banner above to pay the introductory tribute.

Step #2 - Send me a message to describe what's your weakness and how you wish to serve me.

Step #3 - Check your e-mail inbox today or tomorrow to start your addiction :-)

I'll check the payment today/tomorrow and update the chart manually.